E-Knjižnica FET "Dr. Mijo Mirković"

Cultural experience in tourism destination

Gržinić, Jasmina and Vitasović, Aljoša (2009) Cultural experience in tourism destination. Academica Turistica, 2 (1/2). ISSN 1885-3303

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If we consider tourism as a heterogeneous phenomenon, dynamic and constantly evolving in trying to satisfy the needs of clients and tourist workers, global tourist trends impose a new understanding of tourism and the appearance of "new" tourists. Therefore, the management of tourist destinations has to adapt the offer to the new requests. The destination’ s attractive elements have to be completed with additional activities while the tourist destination’ s quality is measured solely on the basis of experience. What causes the development of cultural tourism is precisely this type of diversification of needs and motives, which make people choose a certain destination and which are based completely or partially on culture. The paper aims at presenting the current state of tourism in the Municipality of Fazana, not so much in economic terms but from the standpoint of the perception of tourists and the domicile population of the Municipality of Fažana seen as a tourist destination. We have concluded that visits to the Municipality of Fažana are motivated by new experiences and new adventures. Cultural tourism and the formation of a cultural tourist product for a tourist destination like the Municipality of Fažana have many advantages, as is confirmed in strategic documents of the Municipality.

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Tip objekta: Članak
Dodatne informacije: 2009/2
Ključni pojmovi: Fažana, cultural tourism, cultural product, cultural tourist, Istria
Teme: 3 Društvene znanosti > 33 Ekonomija. Ekonomska znanost > 338 Gospodarsko stanje. Gospodarska politika. Upravljanje gospodarstvom. Gospodarsko planiranje. Proizvodnja. Usluge. Cijene > 338.4 Proizvodnja i usluge prema gospodarskim sektorima > 338.48 Turistički promet s gospodarskog gledišta. Politika turističkog gospodarstva
Odjeli: Fakultet ekonomije i turizma "Dr. Mijo Mirković"
Datum pohrane: 04 Pro 2013 11:03
Zadnja promjena: 04 Pro 2013 11:03
URI: http://eknjiznica.unipu.hr/id/eprint/2581

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