E-Knjižnica FET "Dr. Mijo Mirković"

Smart city: the role of social networks

Petrinić, Ivica (2011) Smart city: the role of social networks. In: Social Structures and Institutions: The Quest for Social Justice. -, Dubrovnik.

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The transition from a digital city to the smart one isn't an automatic process. Only the most advanced cities have initiated the shift from technology-driven change towards understanding the needs of citizens (technology users) and developing services according to those needs. By developing indicators of technology usages instrumentalization, intercorrelation and intelligence (“smartnes”) can be achieved. The most popular global social network (Facebook) has more than 500 million active users today, with 100 million new users only in the last year, therefore the massive digital presence of citizens, political parties, companies, non-profits on this and other social networks is established. But the city administrations hesitate: should they embrace this opportunity of using this networks, or should they worry about the control of the citizen behavior or ownership of the data published on someone else's platforms? We look in how Croatian cities are answering to this dilemma and discuss the practical ways to collect ideas, gather information from citizens and increase stakeholder engagement.

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Tip objekta: Dio knjige
Ključni pojmovi: smart city, social networks, data ownership, citizen engagement
Teme: 0 Općenito > 004 Računalstvo, Računalna znanost i tehnologija > 004.7 Računalne komunikacije. Računalne mreže
0 Općenito > 004 Računalstvo, Računalna znanost i tehnologija > 004.73 Mreže s obzirom na pokrivanje područja
Odjeli: Fakultet ekonomije i turizma "Dr. Mijo Mirković"
Datum pohrane: 20 Feb 2014 07:59
Zadnja promjena: 20 Feb 2014 07:59
URI: http://eknjiznica.unipu.hr/id/eprint/3454

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