E-Knjižnica FET "Dr. Mijo Mirković"

Utjecaj rezidencijalnog turizma na održivost turizma Republike Hrvatske

Gržinić, Jasmina (2010) Utjecaj rezidencijalnog turizma na održivost turizma Republike Hrvatske. In: Il turismo residenziale - Nuovi stili di vita e di residenzialita, governance del territorio e sviluppo sostenibile del turismo in Europa. Universita della Calabria, Callabria, pp. 133-145. ISBN 978-88-568-2573-2

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According to the estimate by the World Travel & Tourism Council, in the period from 2008 to 2017, Croatian tourism will be realizing real growth rates of 7.9%. The same information put Croatia on the fourth place among 176 countries taken into consideration for this ten-year-period observation. Croatia is rated among tourist countries as is justified by the fact that there are 4 million registered overnights, of which 68% by domestic tourists and 32% by foreign tourists in 2009. In the structure of foreign overnights, the largest portion was realized by tourists from Slovenia, Germany, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary and Austria, as well as the Czech Republic. In the same year, out of the total number of overnights, 41% of overnights were made by people paying their tourist tax per night, while 59% of overnights were made by people whose tourist tax is paid lump-sum. The average number of overnights by arrival is 15. Since 1996 The State Bureau of Statistics has been conducting a special research into the non-commercial private tourist turnover called “Report on tourists and overnights in homes and apartments for holiday”. A house or apartment for holiday is considered any building or apartment used seasonally or temporarily. The tourist tax is paid per each realized overnight or lump-sum. The subject matter of this research are tourists (owners of houses and apartments for holiday, their family members, relatives and friends) staying in houses and apartments for holiday, in the private non-rental accommodation. The research is based on evidence lists on the charging of tourist taxes kept by tourist associations of the city/municipality or village. This segment of market almost does not exist in Croatia. About 4000 real estate for holiday are on the Adriatic coast and the buildings built in the last five years are mostly condominiums or urban villas with six to 20 apartments. Two-room apartments of an average of 60 sq.m. make up for most of the offer. The market lacks single large complexes like the golf-resort Marlera in Istria. The problem of the slow advancement of development as well as the offer in this segment of the market are zoning plans and the slowness to adopt them which has turned the investors to other countries on the Mediterranean. Among other problems we can mention problems with the cadastre and the land registry, non-transparency, lack of public information on the market of real estate for holidays and the standpoint of the public towards foreign investments in the context of the real estate market. In 2009 we expect the start of projects that will significantly improve the offer on the Croatian market of holiday homes. Stakeholders in tourism will be responsible for the future level of tourist burdening of the coastal area in Croatia by developing residential tourism for which there is interest on the part of EU citizens.

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Tip objekta: Dio knjige
Ključni pojmovi: rezidencijalni turizam, Hrvatska, konkurentna prednost, tržište nekretnina, kvaliteta destinacije
Teme: 3 Društvene znanosti > 33 Ekonomija. Ekonomska znanost > 338 Gospodarsko stanje. Gospodarska politika. Upravljanje gospodarstvom. Gospodarsko planiranje. Proizvodnja. Usluge. Cijene > 338.4 Proizvodnja i usluge prema gospodarskim sektorima > 338.48 Turistički promet s gospodarskog gledišta. Politika turističkog gospodarstva
3 Društvene znanosti > 33 Ekonomija. Ekonomska znanost > 338 Gospodarsko stanje. Gospodarska politika. Upravljanje gospodarstvom. Gospodarsko planiranje. Proizvodnja. Usluge. Cijene > 338.4 Proizvodnja i usluge prema gospodarskim sektorima > 338.486 Razvoj, poticanje, promicanje turističkog gospodarstva
Odjeli: Fakultet ekonomije i turizma "Dr. Mijo Mirković"
Datum pohrane: 20 Feb 2014 08:06
Zadnja promjena: 20 Feb 2014 08:06
URI: http://eknjiznica.unipu.hr/id/eprint/3470

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