E-Knjižnica FET "Dr. Mijo Mirković"

Service competitveness: Antecedents and consequences of superior customer value

Nefat, Ariana and Lucić, Snježana (2007) Service competitveness: Antecedents and consequences of superior customer value. In: 4th International Conference "Global Challenges for Competitiveness: Business and Government Perspective", 27-29. 9. 2007., Pula, Croatia.

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The fundamental requirement for the superior performance of a service providing company in terms of market indexes and profitability, especially in present conditions of an increasing global competition and technological change, is the delivery of superior customer value, i.e. the delivery of value superior to the one offered by the competition by providing qualities highly valued by the customers. The competitiveness of services in terms of customer value stands for understanding of one’s and competition’s abilities as perceived by the customers, where profit results from how well does the provider understand the customer’s needs and wishes, and from translating of this understanding into services that deliver superior value (Webster, 1994, 11). Starting from the assumption above the aim of this work is to investigate the antecedents of sustainable competitive advantage of service providing companies and the consequential effect of the perceived value of the service on the profitability of the company. This problem will be observed through two fundamentally different processes: on one hand we have the management process in the company and on the other hand we have the process of the perception of service experienced by the customer, with superior customer value as the central determinant of profitability. In view of this, the first section addresses the fundamental determinants of sustainable competitive advantage of a service providing company and the company’s resources and skills. The second section addresses the interrelation between the particularly important factors of competitive advantage and creation of superior customer value: quality, innovativeness, customer responsiveness, efficiency and productivity of the service. The following section contains a more detailed review of customer perceived value and of its place in the context of perceived quality and customer satisfaction as a dimension of the perception of service with a review of the consequential behavioural intentions. Finally, since the processes within the company and experienced by the customers are inseparable, the fourth section observes the customer perceived value within the framework of the management processes in a service providing company, the results of the process and business results. The service-profit chain and the empirical analysis of its links is dealt with separately.

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Tip objekta: Materijal konferencije ili radionice (Paper)
Dodatne informacije: 4/2007
Ključni pojmovi: service competitiveness, perceived customer value, service quality, customer satisfaction, service-profit chain, Konkurentost usluga, percipirana vrijednost potrošaća, kvaliteta usluge, zadovoljstvo potrošaća, uslužno-profitni lanac.
Teme: 6 Tehnologija (primijenjene znanosti) > 65 Menadžment i organizacija industrije, trgovine i komunikacija > 658 Poslovni menadžment, upravljanje, administracija. Organizacija poslovanja > 658.8 Marketing. Prodaja. Prodavanje. Distribucija, raspačavanje
Odjeli: Odjel za ekonomiju i turizam "Dr. Mijo Mirković"
Datum pohrane: 17 Oct 2012 11:35
Zadnja promjena: 08 Jan 2013 10:05
URI: http://eknjiznica.unipu.hr/id/eprint/1580

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