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Usage of virtual communities for companies´ communication with customers - a theoretical review

Gregurec , Iva and Vranešević, Tihomir (2012) Usage of virtual communities for companies´ communication with customers - a theoretical review. In: Marketing challenges in new economy. Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli. ISBN 978-953-7498-57-3

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People as human beings have a need to belong to a certain community and to be affiliated with others, because groups provide individuals with a source of information and help in achieving goals, in giving rewards, they form a social identity, attitudes and behavioural intentions (Ridings et al., 2004). So people around the world join some kind of communities to fulfill their needs and sense of belonging. This has led to use of communities in marketing purpose by companies (such as promotion, communication with customers, creating longterm relationships and so on). Companies have in mind that social relationships that occur online are no less valid than those that happen in "real" life, as ties to the community are also intermittent, specialized, and varying in strength, regardless of medium (Vivian et al., 2003: 1434). With the development of the Internet and Web 2.0 tools, many new business models have emerged, among which are virtual communities (Lu et al., 2010: 346), also referred to as online/networked/ distributed communities. The development causes that virtual community became one of the fastest-growing types of online service for Internet users. The virtual community refers to aggregation in cyberspace of individuals sharing common interests (Shen et al., 2010: 49). This phenomenon consists of a wide range of forms of social media, including online forums, online bulletin board systems (BBS), chat rooms, e-mails, news groups, personal Web pages, social networking sites, blogs and so on (de Valck et al., 2009:185). Online virtual communities on the Internet have existed for almost a quarter of a century. The first virtual communities on the Internet are Well, started in 1985, and the first Usenet news groups, started 1979. Web pages that appeared in the mid 1990s are highly interactive; they allow communication not only between the site and the users but also between users themselves (Ridings et al., 2004). Today virtual communities allow members to obtain information or support from each other and they can be an effective medium to facilitate trust building in the digital marketplace (Lu et al., 2010: 347). So they are used to share information among their members with common interests, but also, they are used for advertising and building loyalty (Spaulding, 2010: 43). Because of that, providing an online virtual community by companies may be one effective way for them to retain potential customers (Kim et al., 2004: 345).

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Tip objekta: Dio knjige
Dodatne informacije: e-book
Teme: 6 Tehnologija (primijenjene znanosti) > 65 Menadžment i organizacija industrije, trgovine i komunikacija > 658 Poslovni menadžment, upravljanje, administracija. Organizacija poslovanja > 658.8 Marketing. Prodaja. Prodavanje. Distribucija, raspačavanje
Odjeli: Odjel za ekonomiju i turizam "Dr. Mijo Mirković"
Datum pohrane: 04 Jul 2013 06:21
Zadnja promjena: 04 Jul 2013 06:21
URI: http://eknjiznica.unipu.hr/id/eprint/2225

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