E-Knjižnica FET "Dr. Mijo Mirković"

The concept of sustainable tourism development and marketing management

Bošković, Desimir and Štoković, Igor (2004) The concept of sustainable tourism development and marketing management. In: 23. posvetovanje organizatorjev dela Management, Knowlodge and EU. Moderna organizacija, Kranj, pp. 313-319.

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During the 60s, even more during the 70s and to some extent in the 80s many tourist countries and destinations, companies even, were strictly oriented towards the economic results of tourism development. This attracted numerous criticisms and debates concerning the issues of influence that tourism development has on society, and tourists as well. The arguments in favour were and still can be found in numerous examples of its negative impact, such as destroying the natural environment, devastating the environment and scenery, commercialising cultural, historical and other heritage, colonising the coastline with concrete areas for tourist accommodation, neglecting the hinterlands, devastating authentic architecture etc. Managing bodies, in other words marketing management at the macro and micro level in tourism, must realise that future tourists who will ask for more and be ready to pay for a well preserved and unpolluted tourist destination are going to be numerous. Various surveys show that tourists perceive Istria as a tourist destination of rather well preserved and ecologically sound environment, so future management success will be validated as soon as thus ecologically integrated tourist products are offered and successfully implemented on the tourist market.

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Tip objekta: Dio knjige
Ključni pojmovi: sustainable development, ecology, tourist destination, marketing, management, development, market
Teme: 3 Društvene znanosti > 33 Ekonomija. Ekonomska znanost > 338 Gospodarsko stanje. Gospodarska politika. Upravljanje gospodarstvom. Gospodarsko planiranje. Proizvodnja. Usluge. Cijene > 338.4 Proizvodnja i usluge prema gospodarskim sektorima > 338.486 Razvoj, poticanje, promicanje turističkog gospodarstva
3 Društvene znanosti > 33 Ekonomija. Ekonomska znanost > 339 Trgovina. Međunarodni gospodarski odnosi. Svjetsko gospodarstvo > 339.1 Opća pitanja trgovine. Tržište > 339.138 Marketing
Odjeli: Fakultet ekonomije i turizma "Dr. Mijo Mirković"
Datum pohrane: 20 Feb 2014 07:56
Zadnja promjena: 20 Feb 2014 07:56
URI: http://eknjiznica.unipu.hr/id/eprint/3433

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