E-Knjižnica FET "Dr. Mijo Mirković"

Labour market flexibility as function of entrepreneurship development

Pupavac, Drago (2005) Labour market flexibility as function of entrepreneurship development. In: Entrepreneurship and macroeconomic management, April, 28-30, 2005., Pula, Croatia.

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This scientific debate will systematically and elaborately explore the effects of labour market to macro and micro commercial system, but will mostly focus on the effects of labour market flexibility to entrepreneurship development and affirmation. It is the task of labour market flexibility to ease entrepreneur's entering into new enterprise and to increase his readiness for prompt reaction and ceasing of every possibility of profit making. In order for Schumpeter's creative destructionists (monopoles) to finally retire before smaller, competitively profiled and entrepreneurship-oriented companies, and to decrease the risk of unsuccessful decisions, the "looser" employees protection and salary flexibility is necessary. The main goal of this scientific discussion is to explore the opportunities which small enterprises gain through labour market flexibility, but also the establish the problems they encounter in realisation of their ideas and initiatives. In order to enable the applicability of the theoretic facts gained through this scientific debate, we will base it on macro and micro economic analysis.

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Tip objekta: Materijal konferencije ili radionice (Paper)
Dodatne informacije: 3/2005, Vol.2
Ključni pojmovi: labour market, flexibility, entrepreneurship, tržište rada, fleksibilnost, poduzetništvo
Teme: 3 Društvene znanosti > 33 Ekonomija. Ekonomska znanost > 339 Trgovina. Međunarodni gospodarski odnosi. Svjetsko gospodarstvo > 339.1 Opća pitanja trgovine. Tržište > 339.13 Tržište uopće. Analiza tržišta. Ponuda i potražnja. Konkurencija
Odjeli: Odjel za ekonomiju i turizam "Dr. Mijo Mirković"
Datum pohrane: 17 Oct 2012 11:31
Zadnja promjena: 08 Jan 2013 10:06
URI: http://eknjiznica.unipu.hr/id/eprint/1475

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