E-Knjižnica FET "Dr. Mijo Mirković"

Creating a positive change to achieve sustainable growth

Katavić, Ivica (2007) Creating a positive change to achieve sustainable growth. In: 4th International Conference "Global Challenges for Competitiveness: Business and Government Perspective", 27-29. 9. 2007., Pula, Croatia.

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Organizations can survive without a strategy, but that’s about all they will do (Freedman, 2002). In the long run, their performance can be satisfactory, but never optimal. Even some may head to wrong directions and consequently disappear. In order to achieve sustainable growth, organizations must create a positive change, which enables a clear strategy, effective communication, and the proper usage of resources. The most profound hypothesis from the comparative historical study of the development of advanced economies over the past century is that the organizations – not markets – drive the process of economic development (Lazonick 2002:40). This suggests that the economic development, which leads to sustainable growth, heavily depends on the organizational activities and the ability of the organization to manage the scarce resources, mainly capital, ideas, knowledge, entrepreneurship and human capital. In order to identify certain challenges and opportunities for competitiveness and economic development, which serve as preconditions for sustainable growth, this paper is guided and structured by three research questions. They are: 1. How to explain the need for a positive change that will influence potential impact on sustainable growth?, 2. What are the emerging forces that will assist in prolonging the growth?, 3. What are the present and future challenges for achieving and maintaining sustainable growth?. The primary objectives of this paper are: a) to introduce, analyze, and describe the need for a positive change to influence sustainable growth, b) to identify emerging forces that help to achieve sustainable growth, c) to identify main challenges and opportunities for achieving and maintaining sustainable growth. Based on the above mentiond objectives, this work is organized in three main sections, which reflect the importance of creating a positive change to achieve sustainable growth: (i) need for a positive change to influence sustainable growth (change, oppenes for change, changes in government regulations, and implementation of change program), (ii) emerging forces to achieve sustainable growth (globalization, technology development, human capital), (iii) main challenges and opportunities for achieving sustainable growth (managing social and cultural differences, managing legal and political differences, creating the change masters, managing internal communication).

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Tip objekta: Materijal konferencije ili radionice (Paper)
Dodatne informacije: 4/2007
Ključni pojmovi: Positive Change, Sustainable Growth, Economic Development, Challenges, Competitiveness, pozitivna promjena, održivi rast, ekonomski razvoj, izazovi, konkurentnost.
Teme: 5 Prirodne znanosti i matematika > 504 Znanost o okolišu. Environmentologija > 504.06 Zaštita okoliša. Upravljanje kvalitetom okoliša
Odjeli: Odjel za ekonomiju i turizam "Dr. Mijo Mirković"
Datum pohrane: 17 Oct 2012 11:39
Zadnja promjena: 08 Jan 2013 09:58
URI: http://eknjiznica.unipu.hr/id/eprint/1643

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