E-Knjižnica FET "Dr. Mijo Mirković"

The Way of Power: Reflections on Technology, Nature and Society

Radovan, Mario (2008) The Way of Power: Reflections on Technology, Nature and Society. Rijeka: Digital Point..

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The book consists of four parts which deal with those topics that I consider the most important in the context of the discourse about technology and its impacts on the natural world and on society. In the first part, technology is considered from the perspective of the perennial human desire for power. This part includes a discussion about the human nature, as well as about the possibilities and limitations of the scientific discourse. The second part deals with the relationship between the human mind and computational machines. Computers are everywhere and they increasingly shape the mind and behaviour of people. The third part addresses the relationship between technology and the natural world. This part speaks about ecology, biotechnology (genetics) and nanotechnology. The fourth part deals with the impact of technology on society in the space of the public (media) discourse, economy, education and social control. An individual could hardly be an expert for all the issues that the philosophy of technology comprises. I tried not to claim more than I know in terms of facts, while my reflections are my reactions to some positions and to the reality as I see it. What binds people and technology is primarily power: people need and love technology because it gives them power - immense, often frightening power. Texts about the philosophy of technology (known to me) hardly mention power at all. My criticism is often sharp, but it regards primarily the ways in which technology has been used, rather than technology itself. Science and technology have made possible the improvement of life and the widening of horizons of billions of people; but they have also facilitated the manipulation, submission and abuse of billions of people. Negative aspects of the growing technological power are getting more and more perilous. Noisy advertisements, stupefying propaganda and hypocrisy burst out from billions of screens and loudspeakers around the world, and they shape the minds and behaviour of people. My criticism wants to point at this reality in which we live. It would make no sense to blame science and technology for what people have been doing with them. It could make some sense to blame people, although this does not usually have much effect either.

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Tip objekta: Knjiga
Ključni pojmovi: Informacijska tehnologija, inteligencija, medisjki govor
Teme: 0 Općenito > 004 Računalstvo, Računalna znanost i tehnologija
Odjeli: Fakultet ekonomije i turizma "Dr. Mijo Mirković"
Datum pohrane: 07 Jan 2014 08:36
Zadnja promjena: 07 Jan 2014 08:36
URI: http://eknjiznica.unipu.hr/id/eprint/2834

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