E-Knjižnica FET "Dr. Mijo Mirković"

Quality management in software production

Sinković, Giorgio (2003) Quality management in software production. In: 4th International Scientific Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, Varaždin.

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Quality management has become a certain trend in terms of worldwide economy. Since 1987, when first international standard of ISO 9000 family has been issued, its applications continues to grow worldwide. In the meantime two additional editions have been issued. Those standards are all-purpose standards. It can be applied in all organisations, of all types and size, as well in organizations that produce software products. Considering the specific features of software products and the meaning and influence on world economy, stated standards became insufficient for quality assurance of specific software products. So, within the period of last 15 years many actions have been initiated, all in course of achieving the model and methods development that would decrease the risk referred to product supply that are not in compliance with the explicit and implicit requirements for users of software products. The article shows the specific standards used up till now, along with the methods and development perspectives.

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Tip objekta: Materijal konferencije ili radionice (Paper)
Ključni pojmovi: quality Management, software, SPICE
Teme: 6 Tehnologija (primijenjene znanosti) > 65 Menadžment i organizacija industrije, trgovine i komunikacija > 65.01 Metode i metodologija. Teorija i praksa organizacije > 65.012.4 Menadžment. Uprava. Ravnateljstvo Tehnike i metode upravljanja
Odjeli: Fakultet ekonomije i turizma "Dr. Mijo Mirković"
Datum pohrane: 07 Jan 2014 08:45
Zadnja promjena: 07 Jan 2014 08:45
URI: http://eknjiznica.unipu.hr/id/eprint/2935

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