E-Knjižnica FET "Dr. Mijo Mirković"

Environmentally oriented marketing communications as part of green marketing strategy

Ham, Marija (2012) Environmentally oriented marketing communications as part of green marketing strategy. In: Marketing challenges in new economy. Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli. ISBN 978-953-7498-57-3

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Over the last four decades, environmental issues and sustainable development have evolved from marginal issues to a central theme of deliberation and research. Increased medias’ attention, higher level of awareness about environmental problems under the influence of reports on various environmental disasters, the increase in activities of interest groups focused on environmental issues and stricter legislation on national and international level are the driving force behind these changes both in general society and in managing business processes. In other words, ecological orientation in business that follows the principles of sustainable development and is an indispensable part of corporate social responsibility has become an important category of business and marketing in both theory and practice. As a discipline, marketing always runs parallel to socioeconomic development, and it reflects existing socioeconomic relations. Accordingly, green marketing has emerged in conditions of growing environmental awareness across all levels of society and of the rise of the segment of green consumers. In terms of time, green marketing can be placed in the period from the 1970s up to date, while conceptually it belongs to socially responsible marketing. To achieve the objectives of green marketing it is necessary to encourage changes with a wide range of people that is, to create a critical mass, because it’s mainly about the small individual contribution that, with creating a synergistic effect, leads to major changes. Carefully designed and credible environmentally oriented marketing communication has the key role therein. Trust and credibility are of the utmost importance in environmentally oriented marketing communications. Also, one of the great challenges for the marketer in green marketing is to find a suitable promotional mix that will make the desired message reach the targeted consumers and induce the desired reaction. In this sense, it is necessary to apply the integrated marketing communications concept. Besides the standard promotional elements in green marketing, there are also some specific forms of promotional activities such as cause-related marketing and standardized eco-labels as a special way of communicating with consumers which significantly contributes to the mentioned credibility of environmentally oriented messages. This paper assumes that the social desirability of encouraging and stimulating environmental responsibility of individuals in the role of consumers is unquestionable, as well as that changes in attitudes and beliefs toward environmental responsibility depend on the quality of educational programs and communication strategies applied by different stakeholders in this process. Therefore, this paper discusses the fundamental issues of environmentally oriented marketing communication and aims to explain the underlying concepts and assumptions as well as major challenges that this communication faces.

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Tip objekta: Dio knjige
Dodatne informacije: e-book
Teme: 3 Društvene znanosti > 33 Ekonomija. Ekonomska znanost > 339 Trgovina. Međunarodni gospodarski odnosi. Svjetsko gospodarstvo > 339.1 Opća pitanja trgovine. Tržište > 339.138 Marketing
Odjeli: Odjel za ekonomiju i turizam "Dr. Mijo Mirković"
Datum pohrane: 04 Jul 2013 06:22
Zadnja promjena: 04 Jul 2013 06:22
URI: http://eknjiznica.unipu.hr/id/eprint/2220

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