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Number of items: 52.


Afrić Rakitovac, Kristina (2004) Insurance industry as a partner for sustainable development. In: Management, knowledge and EU : proceedings of the 23rd International Scientific Conference on Organizational Science Development. Moderna organizacija, Kranj, pp. 205-212. ISBN 961-232-166-3

Alerić, Dražen (2004) Činitelji utjecaja formiranja odnosa s korisnicima usluga na razvoj informatičke infrastrukture. In: Zbornik radova s XVIII. Kongresa CROMAR-a "Marketing u razvoju infrastrukture hrvatskog gospodarstva". Hrvatska zajednica Udruga za marketing, Split, pp. 317-329.


Barbieri, Alfio (2004) Računovodstvena analiza toka dugotrajne imovine u kontekstu toka bilančnih kategorija u gospodarstvu Hrvatske. Ekonomska istraživanja, 17 (2). pp. 19-31. ISSN 1331-677X

Barbieri, Alfio (2004) The accounting costs analysis in the context of balance sheet flow. In: Zbornik radova s međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa. Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za organizacijske vede, Portorož, pp. 323-330.

Bevanda, Vanja (2004) The Function of Ontology Knowledge-Management Systems in Modern University. In: International Conference European Integration and Workshop: Consequences for Higher Education in Europe, 2004, Brno, Czech Republic.

Bevanda, Vanja (2004) Ontology Learning In Knowledge-Management System. In: Annals of DAAAM for 2003& Proceedings of 15th International DAAAM Symposium), 2004.

Bogunović, Aleksandar (2004) Regionalna politika EU i Hrvatska. Ekonomska istraživanja, 1 (17). pp. 58-73. ISSN 1331-677X

Boljunčić, Valter (2004) A Tabu search Approach Towarsd Congestion and Total Flow. Inetrnational Journal of System Science and System Engineering.

Boljunčić, Valter and Skorin-Kapov, Darko and Skorin.Kapov, Jadranka (2004) Application of Tabu Search in Design of Optical Networks. In: Treći Hrvatski matematički kongres, 16-18.06.2004, Split.

Bošković, Desimir and Štoković, Igor (2004) Consumer satisfaction as a base for successful missions in strategic management of the tourism industry. In: : Management, knowledge and EU : proceedings of the 23rd International Scientific Conference on Organizational Science Development. Moderna organizacija, Kranj, pp. 280-287. ISBN 961-232-166-3

Bošković, Desimir and Štoković, Igor (2004) Financial management and strategy of attracting foreign capital to countries in transition. Revija za pravo i ekonomiju, 1. pp. 49-69. ISSN 1512-6706

Bošković, Desimir and Štoković, Igor (2004) The concept of sustainable tourism development and marketing management. In: 23. posvetovanje organizatorjev dela Management, Knowlodge and EU. Moderna organizacija, Kranj, pp. 313-319.

Bošković, Desimir and Štoković, Igor and Velenik, Robert (2004) The importance of wine and bike roads in Istrian tourist supply. In: 9. International Conference "Travel Trade, Regional Development and Education". University of South Bohemia in Češke Budejovicich, Tabor, pp. 13-20.

Bušelić, Marija and Afrić Rakitovac, Kristina (2004) Sustainable tourism - a contemporary concept of tourism destination development. In: International Congress Tourism & Hospitality Industry 2004 – New Trends in Tourism and Hospitality management, Opatija.

Bušelić, Marija and Križman Pavlović, Danijela (2004) The reasons for internal inefficiency of higher education in the Republic of Croatia. In: International Scientific Conference on Organizational Science Development. University of Maribor Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kranj, pp. 86-92.


Currie, David M. and Krbec, Denisa and Matulich, Serge (2004) The use of a Global Business Practicum in promoting international competence. In: Business Education and Emerging Market Economies: Perspectives and Best Practices. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp. 251-266. ISBN 1-4020-8071-9

Currie, David M. and Sinković, Giorgio (2004) Benchmarking at Uljanik shipyard. Ivey Publishing , Richard Ivey School of Busines, The University of Weestern Ontario.

Currie, David M. and Sinković, Giorgio (2004) Production planning at Viktor Lenac shipyard. Ivey Publishing, Richard Ivey School of Busines, The University of Weestern Ontario.

Currie, David M. and Škare, Marinko and Lončar, Jasmina (2004) The impact of war on tourism: The case of Croatia. In: I Conference on Tourism Economics, Palma de Mallorca, Španjolska.


Gonan Božac, Marli and Paulišić, Morena (2004) Woman Manager and Leader in the Republic of Croatia. In: International Conference: An Enterprise Odyssey : Building Competitive Advantage .

Gonan Božac, Marli and Paulišić, Morena (2004) Woman Manager ang Human Factor in the Republic of Croatia, the Situation and Tendencies. In: International Scientific Conference on Organizational Science Development Management, Knowledge and EU , 24.-26.03.2004., Portorož, Slovenija.


Kersan-Škabić, Ines (2004) Impact of foreign direct investments on development of small and medium entrepreneurship in Croatia. In: An Enterprise Odyssey: Building Competitive Advantage. Graduate School of Economics&Business Zagreb, Zagreb, pp. 282-294.

Kersan-Škabić, Ines (2004) Promoting the SME development and competitiveness in the EU- challenges to Croatian economy. In: Management, Knowledge and EU. University of Maribor, Faculty of organizational sciences, Portorož, pp. 299-306.

Kostić-Bobanović, Moira (2004) Foreign languages in EU. In: Management, znanje in EU. Moderna organizacija, Kranj.

Krbec, Denisa (2004) "Europeanization" of education: challenges for accession countries. In: Transition countries in the knowledge society : socioeconomic analysis. Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, Zagreb, pp. 375-390. ISBN 953-6666-38-3

Krtalić, Sandra (2004) Kakva će biti nordijska socijalna država u 21. stoljeću?, ( What will the nordic state look in the 21st century? ). Ekonomski pregled (1-2). pp. 44-66. ISSN 0424-7558

Krtalić, Sandra and Kordić, Gordana (2004) Implications of the vat introduction: cases of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. In: International Conference: An Enterprise Odyssey: Bulding Competitive Advantage, 17-19.06.2004, Zagreb, Hrvatska.

Krtalić, Sandra and Mohorović, Daniel (2004) Javna potrošnja u Republici Hrvatskoj ili na što država troši novac? ( Public Expenditure in the Republic of Croatia or what the State is spending money on? ). Ekonomija (2). pp. 253-275. ISSN 1330-0636


Lončar, Jasmina (2004) Financijska obilježja hrvatskog hotelijerstva tijekom privatizacije. Časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu .

Lončar, Jasmina (2004) Religious and cultural values as a new trend in the process of motivating tourists for coming in Croatia. In: Tourism & hospitality industry 2004. Faculty of tourism nad hospitality management, Opatija, pp. 473-489.

Lončar, Jasmina and Učkar, Dean (2004) Financial management in the Croatian privatization policy - growth or vision. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Scientific Conference on organizational Science Development. University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Science, Kranj, pp. 343-350.


Maurović, Ljiljana (2004) Korištenje povlaštenih informacija managementa u stjecanju vlastitih dionica društva ( The use of privileged informations of the management at the acquisition of one's own shares of the joint stock comp'any ). Hrvatska pravna revija (12). pp. 40-47. ISSN 1332-8670

Maurović, Ljiljana (2004) Mjere obrane od ponude za preuzimanje - rješenja u Europskom pravu i pravu SAD-a ( Protective Measures Against the Takeover Bid - Solutions in the European Law and the Law of the USA ). Hrvatska pravna revija (4). pp. 19-25. ISSN 1332-8670

Maurović, Ljiljana (2004) Ovlast za poduzimanje mjera zaštite od ponude za preuzimanje dioničkih društava-razvoj regulative ( Authority to Take Defence Measures against Takeover Bids for Joint-stock Companies-Development of Regulation ). Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu (2). pp. 383-407.

Maurović, Ljiljana (2004) Prospekt-instrument zaštite ulagatelja prema pravu Europske Unije i Republike Hrvatske ( Prospectus-an Instrument of Investor's Protection According to the European Union Law and the Republic of Croatia ). Pravo i porezi (2). pp. 64-70.

Maurović, Ljiljana (2004) Stupanje na snagu Uredbe o Statutu Europskog dioničkog društva - Societas Europae-a ( Coming Into Effect of the Decree on the Statute of European Joint Stock Company - Societas Europaea ). Hrvatska pravna revija (8). pp. 49-54. ISSN 1332-8670

Maurović, Ljiljana (2004) The Thirteenth Directive on Takeover Bids Acceptance and Leagl Harmonisation of Croatian Law. In: IV Inernational Conference "Economic System of European Union and Accession of the Republic of Croatia", 9-10.05.2003., Opatija, Hrvatska.

Maurović, Ljiljana (2004) Usporedni prikaz razvoja prava elektroničke trgovine-usklađenost Zakona o elektroničkoj trgovini Republike Hrvatske ( Comparative Review of the Development of Electronic Trade - Coordination of the Law on Electronic Trade of the Republic of Croatia ). Hrvatska pravna revija (10). pp. 26-34. ISSN 1332-8670

Maurović, Ljiljana and Kandžija, Vinko (2004) The EU Thirteenth Directive on Takeover Bids Acceptance and Defensive Instruments. In: International Conference "Navigating Crisis and Opportunities in Global Markets: Leadership, Strategy and Governance", 8 - 12.06.2004., Cape Town, South Africa.


Nefat, Ariana (2004) Aspekti marketinga u zaštiti sigurnosti građana. In: Marketing u razvoju infrastrukture hrvatskog gospodarstva, Zbornik radova s XVIII. Kongresa CROMAR-a. Cromar - Hrvatska zajednica Udruga za marketing, Split, pp. 353-367. ISBN 953-99410-1-6

Nefat, Ariana (2004) Service encounters in providing of tourist service. In: Tourism & Hospitality Industry 2004: New Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management. Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Opatija, pp. 849-864. ISBN 953-6198-47-9


Odak, Kristina (2004) Struktura financijskog potencijala banaka i depozitni novac. Diplomski rad thesis, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli.


Radovan, Mario and Jugo, Igor (2004) Developing Dynamic Web Applications. In: Information and Intelligent Systems Conference, 22-24.09.2004., Varaždin, Hrvatska.


Sinković, Giorgio (2004) Some of possibilities of how to apply the International ISO 9001:2000 standard in software development. In: 15th International Scientific Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, Varaždin.

Sinković, Giorgio and Škorić, Igor and Šehanović, Jusuf (2004) Impact of information and communication technologies on business efficiency in Fina. In: 23rd International Scientific Conference on Organizational Science Development- Management, Knowledge and EU.


Učkar, Dean (2004) Izloženost hrvatskih banaka rizicima. Magistarski rad thesis, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.


Škare, Marinko and Aftrić, Kristina (2004) Beyond the ordinal social welfare function. In: International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, Twenty-Eighth General Conference 2004Cork. International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, Cork, Irska.

Šugar, Violeta (2004) Sustav upravljanja kvalitetom turističke destinacije (case study - Pula). Magistarski rad thesis, Sveučilište u Rijeci.

Šugar, Violeta and Cetinski, Vinka (2004) Model upravljanja kvalitetom turističke destinacije (case study Pula). Tourism and Hospitality Management, 10 (3/4). pp. 1-30. ISSN 1330-7533


Žugaj, Miroslav and Bojanić-Glavica, Benedikt and Brčić, Ruža and Šehanović, Jusuf (2004) Organizacijska kultura. Priručnik. TIVA i FOI, Varaždin.

Žugaj, Miroslav and Šehanović, Jusuf (2004) Organizacijska kultura. In: Organizacija. TIVA; Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin. ISBN 953-6775-63-8

Žugaj, Miroslav and Šehanović, Jusuf and Cingula, Marijan (2004) Organizacija. Udžbenici Sveučilišta u Zagrebu = Manualia Universitatis studiorum Zagrabiensis . TIVA, Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Varaždin. ISBN 953-6775-63-8

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